Some people steer clear of shelters or rescues because they believe the dogs there aren’t good dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  • While many dogs are surrendered for behavior problems, the vast majority of those problems could have been prevented, and can be treated, with training, attention, and exercise.
  • Many dogs are surrendered because of a family’s change in circumstances — a move, financial loss, illness, blending of families — and not because of the dog.
  • Some people don’t realize how much time and work puppies, and even adult dogs, require and become fed up with the responsibility.
You can find a good fit for your home by carefully evaluating a shelter dog or puppy and introducing him to every person who lives with you.


Shelters house animals available for adoption as well as strays. Usually they’re at least partially funded by the city, but some are completely dependent on private donations.
The quality of shelters varies dramatically, depending on where it’s located. Some shelters provide basic medical care, training, and spay/neutering. Others are more like holding pens than shelters and don’t bother with the kind of care experts believe is essential to a dog’s well-being, like a daily walk.
  • The population of available dogs usually changes quickly and regularly.
  • At the best shelters, the staff takes notes, and sometimes posts them, on how the dog is doing. Some shelters do extensive tests to gauge a dog’s personality and what sort of home would be the best fit. Many more shelters do not, and you’re on your own. (See choosing a shelter dog or puppy.
  • Some shelters allow people to put a hold on dogs they want to adopt. Before you lose your heart to a dog, make sure someone else doesn’t already have a claim on him.
  • Some shelters euthanize animals when overcrowded. Many no-kill shelters will only accept dogs believed to be adoptable, i.e., those who don’t have aggression or health problems, and tend to be younger.
  • If you’re interested in a dog, make sure you ask how much longer he has at the shelter. That is, do you have a long time to make your decision, or is euthanasia scheduled in two days?

Rescue groups

Rescue groups are organizations that take dogs out of shelters and keep them in foster homes, and sometimes private kennels, until homes can be found. Some are breed-specific, while others take all types of dogs. Overall, they tend to give the dogs more medical and behavioral care than many shelters.
  • Dogs are happier in foster homes than in shelters so it’s easier to assess his personality.
  • You can get a good idea of the dog’s temperament and habits from the foster family, since they live with him.
  • The dog is not likely to be euthanized, unless he displays a serious aggression or health issue.
  • These groups often have adoption events at public places such as pet supply stores, so you can drop by and meet several dogs. If you’re interested in a specific dog you’ve seen on the group’s website, you can ask for that dog to be brought to the event.




A well designed small dog that weigh no more than 6 pounds (2.5 kg).
Chihuahua is known as "the smallest dog in the world". It was when she first came to the United States, and they still are. Chihuahua is one of the toy breeding and was ranked in the toy group, according to the AKC-in. Chihuahuas can be difficult to 2.5 kg. It is not important in this size range but physical characteristics.


Beautifully designed "pome" skull with or without painters (holes in the scalp).
The term - brash.
And shorthair and longhair chihuahua have a large, nicely shaped "pome" skull. Molera is a small opening at the top of the skull as a soft scalp in babies. This hole is not visible, but can be felt a gentle touch. However you should be careful not to press this part because it is sensitive.


Large, erect, erect when the dog is animated, but when idle spreading down in the corner of 45 degrees, giving breadth between the ears.
Chihuahua ears are quite large and are located somewhat low on the head. The ears stand idle as to be 10 and 2 hours. When you animate then as a 11:01 hour or even closer. Ears, carried such that the 12 hours are considered to be too high and called "rabbit ears".


Pune, but not protruding, nicely separated to give balance - glitter dark or ruby.
Fathers are somewhat large and full, but not protruding. Must not be prominent at kratkonosnih breed. Eye color is usually dark, bright eyes are permitted under svijetlijih dogs. Ruby eyes have a reddish reflection, and in general can be found only in very red dogs.


Straight or scissor
Bite can be flat where the ends of the upper and lower teeth just touching, or scissor where the upper teeth cover a bit lower, as with scissors.


Not too short, slightly pointed.
Cheeks and jaw pieces.
Muzzle, sometimes called the muzzle, not too short and slightly pointed. Very short snout is not desirable because the teeth can grow wrong or may be breathing problems.
Standard does not mention the stop (the length between the eyes and the tip of the snout) but civava should have intermediate stop. It is impossible would be to have a round as an apple head, short snout, and without intermediate rate.


Uniformly colored with lighter types or black. Uniformly painted in the blue, the color of chocolate and colored moles. In svijetlijih types permitted pink nose.
The nose is very dark (black) for dark dogs and brighter with svijetlijih dogs. Blue dogs will have a blue nose, chocolate will have a nose or lighter colored chocolate brown. Pink nose is allowed in very bright dogs such as white and creamy. Less desirable is the nose that has a bright line in the middle. Such coloration is called the winter nose and a light bar could disappear over the summer.


Slightly to the port, which is a nice continuation of the hair shoulder.




Chest round (but not too much "barrel-shaped") and a good step forward.
Chihuahua has a neck like a little onion and ice his flat.
Still round the chest should not be a barrel. The body should not be a square is not in females nor males. Still male can be a bit shorter than females but not a square. Chihuahua viewed from the side must not close the square.

Not too long, worn as sickle up or out, or as a loop over the ice so that only the tip touches the ice.
The tail is not overly long and worn in three positions: as sickle outward, like sickle-up or as a loop. Rep should never be carried between the legs, and if it is then it is a result of fear, cold, cowardice, illness or a broken tail.


Small elegant paws with nails up but do not spread, hard pads.
The feet are small and elegant, neither round nor pointed, but something in between. The nails are visibly separated, but not too wide.


Each color - monochrome, with labels, or colorful.
Chihuahuas are all colors, including white, yellowish-brown, red, black and brown, to name a few. Can be a combination of these colors, as well as lighter and darker. There is only blue, then blue with other colors such as yellow and white, but blue is not so road.


Smooth Collies hair should be soft to the touch, thick and shiny. Coat uniformly covers the entire body with a small collar that is desirable and scarce hair on the head and ears.
The long-haired coat should be soft to the touch, straight or curly, preferred undercoat.
There are two types of Chihuahua: shorthair and longhair. In addition to hair no difference between these two types. All other features are the same.

Shorthair chihuahua

Shorthair chihuahua has a very short and close to the body hair and may have a thick undercoat. The undercoat layer below the top coat or top coat. The coat may be rare (almost bald) on the chest, on the head at his temples, in the ears and under the belly.



Standard breeding (detailed description of the specific breed) is a specific portrait of the ideal dog breed. This includes the ideal structure, temperament, stroke and type (all aspects of dog). Since the standard is based on the ideal copy, is not based on any particular dog. It is a concept by what the judges comparing dogs and breeders want to get a dog. On dog one who won at the judge's opinion, the closest standard of their breed.
Chihuahua, including official standard written by the Club civava America and the American Kennel Club as "graceful, rotating, a swift walk, compact and the bold looks." This dog breed is great, but it just touches some special Chihuahua. This poglcavlje will try to describe the appearance and personality of the breed, according to standard AKC. It is important to know that the standard reading and trying to compare Chihuahua Chihuahua that we have with the standard, that some things are written for the purpose of dog show. The following are descriptions of ideal Chihuahua.


The beginning of care
For beginners, it will take brush made of natural fibers for body hair and comb the hair around the ears and on your feet. For the tail going to need and brush and comb. When the puppy a little, it will help to comb it every day. If the puppy has not learned to be cut nails, it is best to start immediately, but to wait and fight with an adult dog. Nail clipper can be used in puppies under 3 months of age. This will facilitate the cutting of small noktica. You must be sure not to cut a cap claws if not yet removed.
The ears checked regularly and if you do not look dirty, it should learn a cotton pad dampened with cleaning ears.
Lift your dog earring and see your teeth and mouth. Your puppy will get used to the ups sensitive body parts, it will be given to them to touch, and you will learn what is normal for your dog and so you will easily notice the possible problems before they are too serious.

Whether your chihuahua longhair or shorthair it needs cleaning. And it at least 3 times a week, although the daily combing much better. Regular combing causes less hair around the house and your chihuahua will be cleaner and she will not need frequent bathing.
When you pass through the hair, see peel; These are clumps of hair that was glued together. If the peel problem, usually with fine hair around the ears, do not comb the hair often enough or the dog is dirty.
Coat Chihuahua grows in cycles. Growth will be a while, then she stops, so will fall and they will obviously lose hair. It takes 125-135 days to repeat the cycle. Losing hair is usually in the spring, when dogs reject winter fur, but as a chihuahua pet dog, will not have a winter coat, so that the hair can lose at any time, depending on whether you are in a radiator or air conditioning.

Cutting the nails is beneficial for your dog's feet. Normal nails cut every 2 weeks or when the nails begin to touch the floor. It is noticeable sound when the dog for something hard. If you are afraid to cut your nails your dog most breeders and veterinarians can do it for you.

This is possible if you have a dog used to it and if you cut his nails when and myself. When the time for cutting the nails, the same routine, you should just keep clippers so that cut only the tips - if you cut too much you will hurt a nerve, and it is painful and bleed will. It is easier to immediately cut off two nail until you find that you can easily cut off all 4th

Ears Chihuahuas need weekly cleaning. If you are not certain it dirty prevention is to prevent problems. Liquids for ear hygiene are available in stores. Put a few drops in each ear and massage for half a minute. So fluid can transcend prljaštvinu. Let the dog shook his head to prljaštvina came out. If you want to clean prljaštvinu should use chopsticks or a cotton ball. Clean the outer part of the inner part of the ear going into recesses and corners to go earlobe. More frequent cleanings requires review of a veterinarian.
Less often think of cleaning the teeth, leaving it as a natural cleaning chewing. Dogs have diseased gums and dental problems as we do. We can help them if they regularly clean your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs which can be purchased in shops and normally, using them regularly.


Control fleas
Have fleas under control is not always easy. Dogs bring fleas inside, where they lay eggs in carpets and furniture (anywhere where your dog stays in the house). So proper control applies not only to the dog, but also other places where they settled fleas. The courtyard can be sprayed, in the house can use a spray or powder, or to a dog there are many possibilities. Flea sprays are effective in only one or two weeks. Use of swimming for dog hair has the same period of action. Adverse for both because some dogs may have problems due to chemicals.
Necklaces flea prevent fleas that nest on his head. Canine owners usually leave necklaces and much longer after the end of their operation. Some dogs may have problems with necklaces, and children should never be in contact with them.
Some owners choose those products that have the effect inside. One of these is the pill (suggested by a veterinarian) to be given to the dog so that it swallowed. The chemicals in the pill to dissolve and enter the blood and when the flea bites, blood kill her.
Other options are ampoule. Liquid from the ampoule is placed on the skin over the shoulders, get under the skin and thus protects against fleas and ticks.
You should consult with your veterinarian about these non-toxic and long-term prevention.

When you view your dog, you should check and ticks that are already hooked onto the skin, especially around the ears or in the hair behind the ears, armpits or in spolovila.Ako you find a tick, it is a small insect the size of a pea when he drinks blood, apply it kerosene. When the tick is not able to breathe comes out and then it should be removed with tweezers and kill. If a tick does not come out to take a pair of tweezers and gently pull it out, pressing very gently. Do not just catch and pull out because it can remain the head of the tick in the skin, which can cause infection or abscess which will need intervention veterinarian.
Caution: Do not use your fingers or nails when removing ticks. These transmissions can be a number of diseases which can be quite dangerous.

Flea and tick
There are many safe and effective products to combat fleas and ticks so that they are less of a problem. Still needed is prevention. Ask your veterinarian when you start with the protection of your puppy. With that, redovitimcešljanjem and controlled environment, your dog and the house will remain clean. Without this, risking the purity of the dog as well as the house and then you have a dirty and expensive battle cleansing of the problem.


Care ears
Another weekly job is cleaning the ears. Many times only when the dog is scratching her ear and shakes her head tells us that there are problems with your ears. Cleaning the ears is much better than to develop problems, and if something happens it will be discovered in time and can be removed. If a dogs ears very dirty and it seems that they need daily cleaning, it should be a warning that the ear is something wrong. A visit to the vet is commendable because he can see the cause and remove it.

Cleaning teeth
Regular cleaning of the teeth is not as necessary when the dog is young and a lot of time is spent in chewing; teeth are almost always clean. What the dog is older it is very important to clean your teeth every day.
In order to maximize the health of dog's mouth should be at the vet two times a year to clean the teeth. Often browsing mouth, checking some abnormalities or broken teeth, can detect infection.

Cutting nails
Toenails should be short enough to not touch the ground when the dog.
Dog with long nails harder to walk on hard or slippery surfaces. This is especially true of older dogs. If nails grow, to enable the leg to keep the balance they must spread making paw flattened and twisted to the outside. Nails which are allowed to grow more inclined to Kalanj. It is painful for the dog and generally requires surgical removal of the nail.

Cleaning eyes
Fathers Chihuahuas require unusual care. A little corner of catarrh in the eye is normal as a result of tearing of the eye.
Chihuahua with eyelashes that rotates inward, scrubbing it on around and around narrow stronger and this leads to irritation of the eye. These eyelashes can be removed if you see a problem, but often neglected.
Excessive tearing can be a sign that the zacepljensuzni channel. It can also be surgically removed. If the eye has a thick and slimy crust, often is a sign of some ocular infection or eye injury. This can be confirmed by a veterinarian who will prescribe certain droplet placed on the corner of the eye. Most eye injuries heal quickly if you are on time


All dogs need annual vaccines to protect against deadly diseases. DHL vaccine that protects the dog from parvaviroze, hepatitis and leptospirosis is given for the first time at the age of 8 weeks and then nadocjepljuje once or twice over a few weeks. After that, the dog would life be vaccinated on an annual basis.
Since the mid 70's parvovirus and coronavirus caused the death of many thousands of dogs. Puppies and older dogs are particularly vulnerable to these diseases. Fortunately, this vaccine is given at DHL as the annual vaccine.
Canine cough may be sick, rarely dangerous dog if the weather gets some medicines. One can pick up anywhere, where there is a lot of dogs such as veterinary stations, shops pets, boarding for dogs, obedience schools and dog shows. Bordetella vaccine, given twice a year, will protect the dog from the dog's cough. It is usually not given routinely, but the owner needs to ask.


The vaccine is given to the dog as a preventive protection against infectious diseases like rabies or canine diseases. Vaccines are the only prevention: It is given before your dog altogether and become ill and so protect it from disease. It is therefore important that the dog is regularly vaccinated. Vaccination puppy begins with eight weeks and it fivefold DHLPP vaccine and is given every three to four weeks until the puppy has not attained the age of 16 months. Your vet will put you on a special list and will remind you when to bring your puppy to vaccination.


While the exterior of a dog attack fleas and ticks, in the body are numerous parasites. Most of them belong to the family of worms that bother a dog. There are few, and protozoa that can cause problems.

The dog can get tapeworm if you eat an infected flea. Normally it is very difficult to determine whether a healthy dog has a tapeworm. The only signs can be hair that was not great, weight loss despite a good appetite or occasional stomach problems. Confirmation of the presence of parts of tapeworms in the stool. These are small, ružicastobijeli, thin, rectangular shaped parts. Once dried look like rice. If the parts are not present, the diagnosis can be made so that the eggs are detected in stools under a microscope. Solve the dog temporarily from tapeworm is simple, with remedies against worms prescribed by a veterinarian. Excessive intake of the drug is not effective against worms with tapeworms and can be dangerous.
Long-term control without the tapeworm is not possible unless the middle of fleas.
Ascaride are the most common round worms - worms (nematodes) were found in psu.Odrasli dogs that have worms rarely show symptoms that might prove to be infected. Worms are cylindrical and long are about 4-5 inches. They represent a real danger in pups, where they receive them from the mother in the womb.
It is important to know that all puppies have worms. In severe infections, worms can be found in the stool. The treatment is simple and can start early, more than two weeks and repeated every two weeks until the eggs or dead worms are no longer found. Some puppies can die from infection worms. Medicines for pinworms should rewrite veterinarian.
Hookworm is generally found in warmer climates and infection comes when the larvae eat from the ground or lick the hair. It can cause anemia, diarrhea and thinness. Since these worms is very small and not visible to the naked eye, their treatment should be determined by a veterinarian.
Whipworms live in the large intestine and can see little or no symptoms. Dogs usually become infected if you do encounter a larva in the polluted area. Again the diagnosis and treatment should be left to the vet. One of the simplest ways to control this parasite is to buy a day feces. This will help to keep the yard clean.
Protozoa are more difficult to diagnose and treat. Coccidiosis and Giardia are not as roads and usually attack young puppies. They are usually associated with overcrowded unsanitary conditions and can be transmitted through the mother (if she carrier), can infect each other, across the water, especially rural lukewarm and streams. The most common symptom of infection of protozoa, the slime and blood stools. The diagnosis of this condition it is possible to do so only if there is a fresh sample.
With coccidiosom, except diarrhea puppy will be weak and will forfeit only. Puppies good hiding protozoa and show no signs unless they are found under stress. In general, many times the puppy does not become sick until you go to a new home. Once the disease is diagnosed the treatment is fast and puppy returns quickly to normal.

Heart worms

From all the above internal parasites is the most common heart worm. If the dog bitten by a mosquito and he was infected with the larvae of heart worms, it will develop a long worms 6-12 inches. When you grow worms are placed in the dog's heart.
The symptoms that indicate this type of infection include cough, extreme tiredness, shortness of breath and weight loss. Later there may be problems with the heart and liver. Evidence of a heart worm is obtained if we take a blood sample and put it under a microscope where to see the tiny larvae.
In risk areas where a heart worm preventative road should give the dog a pill once a month.
At least once a year should a dog have a complete veterinary examination. So it can examine the condition of the dog and take blood to test. One can examine the functioning of the thyroid gland, and the work of the organs can be checked via ultrasound. If the dog has a problem, this type of treatment it greatly helps to remove it as soon as possible.
Need it, regular vaccinations, check chairs and preventive medicine at heart worms ensure the health of your dog.

ADVANTAGE tubal ovarian / neutering

The biggest advantage ligation ovaries (in females) or castration (males) is a guarantee that your dog will not produce puppies. So already there are too many puppies to the already too few homes. There are other advantages.
Benefits ligation of ovarian
· No inconvenience bleeding
· No "admirer" under the window or in the yard
no risk of pijometre (disease of the uterus) and the risk of cancer
Benefits of castration
· Reduces the attempts of fighting, but does not affect the personality of the dog
· Prevents wandering
prevent the occurrence of urogenital diseases

Tubal ovarian / Neutering

Another way to make your dog a long and healthy lives is tubal ovarian bitches and neutering males.
If the ovaries of females ligated at an early age prevents the risk of malignant tumors in the reproductive apparatus.
Neutering the male is the ideal solution to avoid aggression and prostate cancer.
Female Chihuahua gets her first ovulation somewhere between six months and one year. If you do not ligated cycles will regularly come. The time between cycles can vary, it is normal for every 6 months to a year.
It is not certain that it must wait before clamping the first cycle or to have a litter. The decision on the cultivation of any dog should not be taken lightly. Should consider whether he or she is physically well represent your race and whether they are good temperament. There are a number of genetic problems that affect Chihuahua, such as painters, heart murmurs, hypoglycemia ... Responsible breeders take this into consideration before you decide to breed.
Finding good homes for puppies is also a problem. Due to the popularity civava many of them grow not paying attention to the weak side.
Having a dog is a living relationship between you and the animals. There are so many unwanted dogs (as well as unwanted civava) so you should consider and should be sure why we grow to avoid excessive population. When grown for puppies, much more is spent than is obtained; while deducting the time, care, equipment and veterinary care that is needed puppies.



· Before you bring a Chihuahua in a new home should be at least 8 weeks old.
· Morning is the best time of day for the arrival of a new puppy. You will then have time to get to know, and the puppy will have time to adjust to the new environment before bedtime. Weekends are the best because the whole family together.
· It should be given the freedom puppy in a room where there is no carpet, but the family is in his element. His bed and cage can go to the corner of the room, with a bowl of water and paper for relief.
· No one should pounce on the dog. You should speak softly and quietly. A puppy should be given time to adjust to new people and foreign voices.
· A puppy should be adapted to a particular routine. You must specify exactly certain periods of play, eating and sleeping.


In order to prepare yourself and your family for the arrival of a puppy, and to make sure he has everything he needs, should pay attention to:
Containers for food and water: for each one. We recommend aluminum or ceramic - something good, but easy to clean.
Bed and / or wicker basket: Something soft, it can be easily monitored and big enough for an adult dog.
Cage: Provides home training easy and secure - just us looks like a cage.
Toys: As you rejoice at purchase so the puppy looking forward to the game. It should not be overloaded with too many puppy toys, especially the first few days in the new environment. It should be taken into consideration and something hollow which can be filled with treats.
Tile: printed with your name and phone number.
Necklace: Best suited collar with buckle. Care should be taken to be large enough for the puppy grows rapidly.
Strap: Modern beautiful, but durability and comfort when it was held to be included. You can not go wrong if you take the skin because it is suitable for most dogs.
Things care: Necessary brushes, special shampoos, nail scissors, toothbrush and dog toothpaste.


It is much easier to raise a puppy than a small child, but many precautions should be taken into account. Since puppies can not open the door or push the paw in the socket, can be found with a little effort into trouble. You should remove all that is gentle to the puppy teeth or could be crushed. If possible, all electrical wires should be hidden or secured to the floor or wall.
Puppies can reach harmful things. Everything is toxic to man can hurt a dog. Antifreeze has a sweet taste but is lethal to animals. Most garden sprays, baits for snails and rat poison are toxic to dogs, and must be kept out of reach and used with great caution. Another thing to take care of the plants in the garden and in the home.
There are a few things that do not harm humans but dangerous for dogs. Such things include chocolate, onions and salmon. These food products are toxic to dogs and should not be given Chihuahua.



And small dogs like Chihuahuas can become real monsters if they are not properly trained, so that the basic training essential. It is very important that training be gentle, clear and decisive. The young bitches are just a short time and attention is easily distracting.

FEATURES Chihuahua
long live
needs minimal care and exercise
has a sharp and shrill barking
should be warm

Second coming home

Before the arrival of a new family member in the home, a little planning will assist greatly in the change. The first decision should be the place where the puppy will live. Will have access to all rooms of the house or only in specific?
A similar consideration applies to the yard. It is easier to control the activity of a puppy and train it if it is restricted to designated areas. If the door does not exist where it should, protective fences for babies temporarily will serve.
Pseca wicker basket is an excellent investment and an unusually valuable assistance in education šteneta.Ona provides a safe, quiet place where the dog can sleep. If used properly, wicker basket helps with house training. The same basket can be used for travel.
Before puppy arrives, be sure that your house is ready. Make the bed with a pillow and blanket lakoperivim, as well as a basket, toys for playing and biting and protecting children's door if you want to enclose parts of the house, especially the parts where the carpets.

Need to be warm


If you do not want your chihuahua becomes aggressive, you should play gently with her. On the other hand, he might think that aggressive behavior is allowed and you would never be sure if they have been affected. If civava learned to aggressive play or to attack, he could bite his second for the second game, but it was another dog or human.

Chihuahuas need to be warm

Chihuahua is easy to colds, and they will drhturiti if they are cold. If you live where winters are cold, for your Chihuahua, you'll raincoat if you're out there more than 5 minutes. You should be careful in the winter walks. Salt, sand and ice outside the winter enemies for dog paws, so you need after winter walks to wash and clean the paws. The dog can get frostbite, can even lose your nails, so it's important to know that when we are out there for a long time.



Chihuahua is ideal for older people who can not handle the larger and stronger dogs or for persons and families in small living conditions.
Chihuahuas are wonderful friends and be with the owner to go almost anywhere, even under the seat on the plane.
Chihuahuas are not for everyone. Not for people who are rough - adults or children. Chihuahua is not for you if you care for your furniture and carpets or if it bothers you that doggy smell at all. If you care what kind of shark your puppy will make (a puppy will surely make something out), then most likely you are not a candidate for any dog owner.

Chihuahua and children
Chihuahua is not a breed that should be kept with a small child. A young child may accidentally fall on the dog and cause serious injury or even death Chihuahua.
The child may be replaced by a Chihuahua for a stuffed toy, but a strong grip could seriously hurt Chihuahua. Dogs such a size should not be left with young children unattended, to their mutual security. Children must be taught how to safely and humanely treat dogs especially small. On the other hand the children who are able to deal with small dogs like Chihuahuas, can be great friends with them.


Chihuahuas are generally in good agreement with other breeds, but when a small dog for the first time leads to the house where the larger the dog, the owner would they be supervised until they're sure to have agreed.

Chihuahuas are good watchdogs

Chihuahuas are excellent guards. Their hearing is sharp, barking loud and shrill. Chihuahuas are famous for being afraid of burglars and alert owners when a fire or other hazard. Since canine hearing so keen, civava will alert family and before someone in the home is aware of the danger.
Chihuahua will not run according to visitors and jump on them. They are cautious in accepting foreigners (visitors) and can continue to bark while the owner is not silenced. Your chihuahua will not be aggressive towards guests, but if you observe it from a distance, shall proceed with caution before the decision that all is well.


Chihuahua is a natural dog; no cutting tails is not the ears. The hair is not trimmed, bare, shaved or hairy. It is easy to take care of the dog and nurture it.

Chihuahua is to exercise enough if you race around the house. Additional training can be achieved if you enable it partially obscured space where she can run back and forth - there.
Time games with your Chihuahua can be a workout for both. Chihuahua will run the ball, catch light reels and find and make little things.
Whatever it takes to play, be careful that it is not so small that it can swallow chihuahua. The dog should not be given toys with eyes that can fall, toys with strings or ribbons, or toys that have in themselves braces to create a voice that can come off and be swallowed. If the toy fits entirely in the mouth Chihuahua, then it is too small and dangerous to the dog with her game.


The world is a much bigger space if viewed through the eyes of Chihuahua. But apart from their area who see, Chihuahua, like all dogs, they can observe the movement of greater distance than we do, because I can not see so good up close. I can see better when less light, but can not distinguish between many colors.

Chihuahua hear four times better than us, and especially high - tone sounds.

Chihuahuas have less sensory taste than me, so they are more inclined to try it all - and it usually make, which is why it is very important to their owners control their food intake.

Chihuahuas are sociable animals and love to cuddle, nurture and to play with them.

Nose Chihuahua is the strongest sense organ.
The sense of smell in dogs is so great that they can be traced back a few weeks old, detect scents dilute the millionth part of the concentration, which we need in order to feel and smells and even can smell a person under water.

1. GET Chihuahua

The popularity of Chihuahuas in particular to increase from when she appeared in the United States.
Why are these little dogs so dear?
The answers are numerous. In addition to being sweet, dear, charming, heart and clear, easy to raise and take with you anywhere; they are open, they are great guards; They are healthy, loyal and affectionate to their owners.








micro teacup

Forbidden foods

- Chocolates, cakes, pastries, fatty and salty roast, bone ...

The types of foods that are suitable for people pose a risk to the dog. Some foods cause fewer digestive problems, while others can cause serious illness and even death.

Alcoholic beverages and meals that contain alcohol - can cause poisoning, coma and death.

Baby food - can contain onion powder, which is toxic to dogs.

The bones of fish and poultry - often dogs for the holidays and get a greater amount of bone that can cause stomach and intestinal problems. It occurs vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, cramps, dog does not eat, and content in the gut starts with great passion, sometimes only after a few days, with the obligatory visit to the vet.

Cat food - contains higher amounts of protein and fat.

Chocolate, tea, coffee and other products with caffeine - very toxic and affect the heart and nervous system. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and muscle tremors. Larger quantities can lead to death of the dog. The content of theobromine in chocolate is different, cooking chocolate it contains more. Lethal dose for a dog of 10 kg is 90 gr. chocolate, and the Chihuahua this quantity of 10-15 g. chocolates.

Citrus fruits - can cause vomiting.

Grapes contain a toxin that can damage the kidneys.

Hops - causes rapid breathing, increased heart rate, increased temperature, convulsions and death.

Extras human diet containing iron - may affect the operation of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs, such as liver and kidneys.

Large amounts of liver - may cause hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, which affects muscles and bones.

Onions and garlic - cooked, fresh or powder is poison for a dog.

Tomatoes and potatoes contain oxy which may affect the work of the digestive, nervous and urinary systems.

So in larger amounts, or too salty food is harmful.

Foods rich in sugar - causes obesity, dental problems and diabetes.

Yeast for the test - can cause painful gases in the digestive system, and in some cases, serious stomach and intestinal problems.

The remains of the table are not nutritionally balanced and should not make up more than 10% of the diet of the dog.

Nutrient supplements

If you feed your dog appropriate food that is suitable for his stage of development and it is agile, looks healthy, not too thick nor too thin - you do not need any accessories. In fact, if you are not an expert on food, using nutritional supplements can harm the dog. For example, if you add too much calcium in food that is reflected on the musculo-skeletal irregularities. If you think your dog needs extra vitamins and minerals, it is best to go about it consult with your veterinarian.

Plan feeding puppy

Your puppy will receive four meals a day until you see that leaves food, when you move on to three meals a day at the same intervals. The puppy will only make it clear when to move on to two meals a day at an interval of 10-12 hours. It should increase the portions when switching to two meals.

You will need some time to assess what your puppy needs at each meal. The dog should be fed at the same time every day. The puppy should receive a quarter of a cup of food at each of four meals. Each puppy is an individual and eating different portions.

Fresh, clean water should be available at all times. Dogs who eat dry food drink more water.

When you wash your pots Chihuahuas, do not use disinfectants, is only sufficient hot water.

How many meals a day

Puppies need several meals a day, while older dogs need one or two meals a day.

It is necessary to determine how much food keeps your adult dog that looks and feels best. Then decide how many meals a day. If you are concerned that they will gain weight, you need to be sure that you measure good food and not to provide snacks. Whether you feed your dog once or twice a day, he needs to leave food for as long as it takes to eat, eg. 10 minutes. Do not worry if your dog does not eat all at a particular time. They will learn to be.

Pregnant bitches and bitches who are breastfeeding need more meals a day, 3 to 4. They can be given vitamin and mineral supplements as recommended by your veterinarian.

Do not feed Chihuahua while you eat. Feeding at the table will turn your dog into a pain, to beg for food and embarrass you in front of guests.

Feeding by age

Chihuahuas are carnivores and their main food is meat or granules and products based on meat. They have a very good appetite and are often thicker shape than it should.

Puppies and dogs in development require much higher intake of protein and nutrients than adult dogs. Most dry food (granules) for puppies is well balanced and with her puppy should not be anything other than water. Dried Food in granules mainly consists of chicken, beef or lamb with corn, wheat or rice. The higher the percentage of meat, the higher the percentage of protein, and the meal more enjoyable and eminently. The percentage of protein in food for puppies is usually between 25-30%.
 There are many choices of dry (granules) and canned (salami, canned) food for puppies and adult chihuahuas. It is best for primary meals give dry food, because chewing dry food better for your teeth and gums. In addition, dry food is cheaper than canned same quality. Dogs that are fed canned or soft food are more likely scale deposits on the teeth and gum problems. However, semi-dry or canned food can be used as an adjunct dry diet, the small amount stimulate appetite if necessary.

Sometimes it was just food for puppies and food for adult dogs. Now there's food for puppies, young dogs active in the development, less active dogs and older dogs.

What is the difference between these foods? They are different in composition. Less active dogs do not need as much protein or fat as active and dogs in development; older dogs should not be in food what should puppies. If the dog is not active food with too much protein can easily be too fat. If the puppy food food for adults, risking its proper development which can have lasting effects.

Bleeding, Burns


For open wounds should stop the bleeding by pressing a sterile gauze on the wound for 5 minutes. If the bleeding has not stopped needs to continue with the pressure. If the gauze glued to the wound, not to fall off, because that would cause another breach. Just put the new steril gauze over the first and a little squeeze to stop the bleeding. This procedure is usually successful.
If you can not control the bleeding should tuck the dog to the vet.
One can even try pressing the upper inside of the front legs, the upper inside of the hind legs, tail or below, depending on where the dog is bleeding. Do not try to stop the bleeding by binding, unless the bleeding abundantly and can not be stopped otherwise. Tourniquet should be firm, but not to stay too long, because it can be more dangerous than the bleeding, because it stops the circulation.


Do not put creams and oils to burn. To carefully wash the burned area is the best cold water. The dog should be urgently taken to the vet.

Eye injury, Inflammation of anal gland

Injury to the eye

For a bit of protruding eyes, Chihuahuas can be prone to injuries of the eye. If Chihuahua özledim eye, rinse it with tap water or saline solution. This treatment should be sufficient, but if not, should the dog to the vet.

Inflammation of anal gland
This is a common problem. If you see that your Chihuahua constantly sanjka buttocks or trying to lick around the anus, probably the inflamed anal glands. Veterinarian You should learn how to clean and bag, otherwise you should visit the veterinarian every six months that he do so. If the anal bags not empty regularly, there could be infection, when surgery is required.

Shock, Choking


When the dog is injured or seriously ill is possible to fall into a state of shock. Then the dog limp, weak and cold to the touch. Right him fading. If something is not done, the dog will die of shock though injury or disease is not fatal. It should be massaged to circulate, keep warm and urgently taken to the vet.


Puppies are curious creatures and it is natural to want to chew everything they can find, whether a bone, twigs, stones, small toys, wire and more. This can all be stuck in your teeth or worse in the throat and end up swallowed in the stomach or intestines.
Symptoms may include drooling, digging through the mouth, constipation mouth, difficulty breathing, blue tongue or mouth, swallowing hard and bloody vomiting.
If the foreign body can be seen and easily removed should do it myself. If you are unable to remove, try to lay the dog on the side, using the palms of both hands, press the abdomen just below the last rib. If the dog does not want to lie down, be it a squeeze on either side of the last rib and the short terms. I need to make enough pressure that air in the lungs constrained object to go out.
If the cause suffocation can not find or remove the need to seek professional help.

Bee or wasp stings, Nicks and cuts, Broken bones

Bee or wasp stings

Sting of pain and can cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms can be swelling around the injection site and wheezing. Severe allergic reactions can lead to death. If there is the sting should be removed and the wound cleaned with alcohol. Then put something cold (ice) to the swelling subsides and cream or oil-sting. However, you should consult with your veterinarian.

Nicks and cuts

For minor problems on the skin can be used fats for wounds. Wounds can also be rinsed with 3% hydrogen solution, which is great and painless disinfectant. Online purchasing is easy to 6% of hydrogen, to which was added the same amount of distilled water, thus obtaining a solution of 3%

Broken bones

If your dog breaks a bone, should immobilize the leg very cautiously and seek immediate veterinary assistance.

Intoxication, Dehydration


Vomiting, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, barking or howling in pain and abnormal odor of the mouth and the body - these are all signs that your pet took a toxic substance. Poisons can enter anally, with food, eg. In intentional poisoning, can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or be injected at snakebite.
The case of poisoning requires immediate veterinary assistance immediately.


If we want to know whether our dog dehydrated we need to take the skin between thumb and forefinger and gently rub. If the skin does not immediately return to its original position, it is possible that the Chihuahua is suffering from dehydration.
It is necessary to consult with your veterinarian


Diarrhea is very rare or watery stool that dog difficult to control. The causes can be many: changes in food, overeating, eating human food or internal parasites.
First we need to see what is causing the problem and must be removed from the dog's environment. The dog should be given some medicine for diarrhea, which recommend a vet, adjust the amount of weight. One day the dog should not be given his food to him to discharge hoses. During diarrhea should eat cooked rice. After a child, when to stop diarrhea, slowly returns to its normal diet.
If the diarrhea or bloody is much more common than expected, and if it is combined with vomiting and fever, is certainly a virus and require urgent intervention veterinarian.
If the suspected parasites, chair should collect and destroy, and veterinarian should prescribe the required treatment.
If you suspect an allergy, usually make a series of tests to see the cause. This is especially important if you are following the cessation of diarrhea occurred again.

Sunstroke and heatstroke

Sunstroke can easily lead to death. Never leave a dog in the car, even with the windows open, even when it's cloudy or the car in the shade. The heat is rising fast and your dog can die in a matter of minutes. Do not leave the Chihuahua in the heat, especially if there is no shade or water.
If space heating which houses your dog, or puppy using infrasijalicu, select red, less harmful, and be sure to measure the thermometer temperature below the bulb. The temperature below the bulbs should be between 20 and 25 degrees. If the bulb set too low, and do not monitor the temperature, you risk that your dog gets heat stroke, of which easily die.
Symptoms of sunstroke or heat stroke are collapse, high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, loss of balance and gray lips. If you notice these symptoms should immediately cool the dog. Towel soaked in cold water gently massage the body and legs. Air cooling also helps. Give the dog water to drink, and if you do not want to fill his mouth with cold water. After initial medical treatment tuck dog to the vet.

Dog vomiting and not eating

One of the sure signs that the Chihuahua is sick when not eating. For most dogs one missed meal is not a cause for alarm, but more should visit the veterinarian. They check the vitals and gums (right). Normal canine gums are pink, if the sick then are pale and gray.
There are many reasons why dogs vomit and most are not dangerous. It should be worried when the dog vomits several times a day. If vomiting occurs with diarrhea, fever and lethargy, it is most likely a viral inflammation. The dog should be subjected to veterinary treatment.
Vomiting that there are no other symptoms usually stems from some inner blockages. The stones, toys, and parts of the fabric can be found in dog intestines, preventing the normal passage of food and liquids. If it is suspected that the blockage, the first X-ray record the stomach and intestine. Sometimes the objects themselves out, but usually require surgery to remove.