Bleeding, Burns


For open wounds should stop the bleeding by pressing a sterile gauze on the wound for 5 minutes. If the bleeding has not stopped needs to continue with the pressure. If the gauze glued to the wound, not to fall off, because that would cause another breach. Just put the new steril gauze over the first and a little squeeze to stop the bleeding. This procedure is usually successful.
If you can not control the bleeding should tuck the dog to the vet.
One can even try pressing the upper inside of the front legs, the upper inside of the hind legs, tail or below, depending on where the dog is bleeding. Do not try to stop the bleeding by binding, unless the bleeding abundantly and can not be stopped otherwise. Tourniquet should be firm, but not to stay too long, because it can be more dangerous than the bleeding, because it stops the circulation.


Do not put creams and oils to burn. To carefully wash the burned area is the best cold water. The dog should be urgently taken to the vet.