- Chocolates, cakes, pastries, fatty and salty roast, bone ...
The types of foods that are suitable for people pose a risk to the dog. Some foods cause fewer digestive problems, while others can cause serious illness and even death.
Alcoholic beverages and meals that contain alcohol - can cause poisoning, coma and death.
Baby food - can contain onion powder, which is toxic to dogs.
The bones of fish and poultry - often dogs for the holidays and get a greater amount of bone that can cause stomach and intestinal problems. It occurs vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, cramps, dog does not eat, and content in the gut starts with great passion, sometimes only after a few days, with the obligatory visit to the vet.
Cat food - contains higher amounts of protein and fat.
Chocolate, tea, coffee and other products with caffeine - very toxic and affect the heart and nervous system. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and muscle tremors. Larger quantities can lead to death of the dog. The content of theobromine in chocolate is different, cooking chocolate it contains more. Lethal dose for a dog of 10 kg is 90 gr. chocolate, and the Chihuahua this quantity of 10-15 g. chocolates.
Citrus fruits - can cause vomiting.
Grapes contain a toxin that can damage the kidneys.
Hops - causes rapid breathing, increased heart rate, increased temperature, convulsions and death.
Extras human diet containing iron - may affect the operation of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs, such as liver and kidneys.
Large amounts of liver - may cause hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, which affects muscles and bones.
Onions and garlic - cooked, fresh or powder is poison for a dog.
Tomatoes and potatoes contain oxy which may affect the work of the digestive, nervous and urinary systems.
So in larger amounts, or too salty food is harmful.
Foods rich in sugar - causes obesity, dental problems and diabetes.
Yeast for the test - can cause painful gases in the digestive system, and in some cases, serious stomach and intestinal problems.
The remains of the table are not nutritionally balanced and should not make up more than 10% of the diet of the dog.