If you do not want your chihuahua becomes aggressive, you should play gently with her. On the other hand, he might think that aggressive behavior is allowed and you would never be sure if they have been affected. If civava learned to aggressive play or to attack, he could bite his second for the second game, but it was another dog or human.
Chihuahuas need to be warm
Chihuahua is easy to colds, and they will drhturiti if they are cold. If you live where winters are cold, for your Chihuahua, you'll raincoat if you're out there more than 5 minutes. You should be careful in the winter walks. Salt, sand and ice outside the winter enemies for dog paws, so you need after winter walks to wash and clean the paws. The dog can get frostbite, can even lose your nails, so it's important to know that when we are out there for a long time.
Need to be warm
about dogs