Care ears
Another weekly job is cleaning the ears. Many times only when the dog is scratching her ear and shakes her head tells us that there are problems with your ears. Cleaning the ears is much better than to develop problems, and if something happens it will be discovered in time and can be removed. If a dogs ears very dirty and it seems that they need daily cleaning, it should be a warning that the ear is something wrong. A visit to the vet is commendable because he can see the cause and remove it.
Cleaning teeth
Regular cleaning of the teeth is not as necessary when the dog is young and a lot of time is spent in chewing; teeth are almost always clean. What the dog is older it is very important to clean your teeth every day.
In order to maximize the health of dog's mouth should be at the vet two times a year to clean the teeth. Often browsing mouth, checking some abnormalities or broken teeth, can detect infection.
Cutting nails
Toenails should be short enough to not touch the ground when the dog.
Dog with long nails harder to walk on hard or slippery surfaces. This is especially true of older dogs. If nails grow, to enable the leg to keep the balance they must spread making paw flattened and twisted to the outside. Nails which are allowed to grow more inclined to Kalanj. It is painful for the dog and generally requires surgical removal of the nail.
Cleaning eyes
Chihuahua with eyelashes that rotates inward, scrubbing it on around and around narrow stronger and this leads to irritation of the eye. These eyelashes can be removed if you see a problem, but often neglected.
Excessive tearing can be a sign that the zacepljensuzni channel. It can also be surgically removed. If the eye has a thick and slimy crust, often is a sign of some ocular infection or eye injury. This can be confirmed by a veterinarian who will prescribe certain droplet placed on the corner of the eye. Most eye injuries heal quickly if you are on time