Control fleas
Have fleas under control is not always easy. Dogs bring fleas inside, where they lay eggs in carpets and furniture (anywhere where your dog stays in the house). So proper control applies not only to the dog, but also other places where they settled fleas. The courtyard can be sprayed, in the house can use a spray or powder, or to a dog there are many possibilities. Flea sprays are effective in only one or two weeks. Use of swimming for dog hair has the same period of action. Adverse for both because some dogs may have problems due to chemicals.
Necklaces flea prevent fleas that nest on his head. Canine owners usually leave necklaces and much longer after the end of their operation. Some dogs may have problems with necklaces, and children should never be in contact with them.
Some owners choose those products that have the effect inside. One of these is the pill (suggested by a veterinarian) to be given to the dog so that it swallowed. The chemicals in the pill to dissolve and enter the blood and when the flea bites, blood kill her.
Other options are ampoule. Liquid from the ampoule is placed on the skin over the shoulders, get under the skin and thus protects against fleas and ticks.
You should consult with your veterinarian about these non-toxic and long-term prevention.

When you view your dog, you should check and ticks that are already hooked onto the skin, especially around the ears or in the hair behind the ears, armpits or in spolovila.Ako you find a tick, it is a small insect the size of a pea when he drinks blood, apply it kerosene. When the tick is not able to breathe comes out and then it should be removed with tweezers and kill. If a tick does not come out to take a pair of tweezers and gently pull it out, pressing very gently. Do not just catch and pull out because it can remain the head of the tick in the skin, which can cause infection or abscess which will need intervention veterinarian.
Caution: Do not use your fingers or nails when removing ticks. These transmissions can be a number of diseases which can be quite dangerous.

Flea and tick
There are many safe and effective products to combat fleas and ticks so that they are less of a problem. Still needed is prevention. Ask your veterinarian when you start with the protection of your puppy. With that, redovitimcešljanjem and controlled environment, your dog and the house will remain clean. Without this, risking the purity of the dog as well as the house and then you have a dirty and expensive battle cleansing of the problem.