Sunstroke can easily lead to death. Never leave a dog in the car, even with the windows open, even when it's cloudy or the car in the shade. The heat is rising fast and your dog can die in a matter of minutes. Do not leave the Chihuahua in the heat, especially if there is no shade or water.
If space heating which houses your dog, or puppy using infrasijalicu, select red, less harmful, and be sure to measure the thermometer temperature below the bulb. The temperature below the bulbs should be between 20 and 25 degrees. If the bulb set too low, and do not monitor the temperature, you risk that your dog gets heat stroke, of which easily die.
Symptoms of sunstroke or heat stroke are collapse, high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, loss of balance and gray lips. If you notice these symptoms should immediately cool the dog. Towel soaked in cold water gently massage the body and legs. Air cooling also helps. Give the dog water to drink, and if you do not want to fill his mouth with cold water. After initial medical treatment tuck dog to the vet.
Sunstroke and heatstroke