Feeding by age

Chihuahuas are carnivores and their main food is meat or granules and products based on meat. They have a very good appetite and are often thicker shape than it should.

Puppies and dogs in development require much higher intake of protein and nutrients than adult dogs. Most dry food (granules) for puppies is well balanced and with her puppy should not be anything other than water. Dried Food in granules mainly consists of chicken, beef or lamb with corn, wheat or rice. The higher the percentage of meat, the higher the percentage of protein, and the meal more enjoyable and eminently. The percentage of protein in food for puppies is usually between 25-30%.

 There are many choices of dry (granules) and canned (salami, canned) food for puppies and adult chihuahuas. It is best for primary meals give dry food, because chewing dry food better for your teeth and gums. In addition, dry food is cheaper than canned same quality. Dogs that are fed canned or soft food are more likely scale deposits on the teeth and gum problems. However, semi-dry or canned food can be used as an adjunct dry diet, the small amount stimulate appetite if necessary.

Sometimes it was just food for puppies and food for adult dogs. Now there's food for puppies, young dogs active in the development, less active dogs and older dogs.

What is the difference between these foods? They are different in composition. Less active dogs do not need as much protein or fat as active and dogs in development; older dogs should not be in food what should puppies. If the dog is not active food with too much protein can easily be too fat. If the puppy food food for adults, risking its proper development which can have lasting effects.