Shock, Choking


When the dog is injured or seriously ill is possible to fall into a state of shock. Then the dog limp, weak and cold to the touch. Right him fading. If something is not done, the dog will die of shock though injury or disease is not fatal. It should be massaged to circulate, keep warm and urgently taken to the vet.


Puppies are curious creatures and it is natural to want to chew everything they can find, whether a bone, twigs, stones, small toys, wire and more. This can all be stuck in your teeth or worse in the throat and end up swallowed in the stomach or intestines.
Symptoms may include drooling, digging through the mouth, constipation mouth, difficulty breathing, blue tongue or mouth, swallowing hard and bloody vomiting.
If the foreign body can be seen and easily removed should do it myself. If you are unable to remove, try to lay the dog on the side, using the palms of both hands, press the abdomen just below the last rib. If the dog does not want to lie down, be it a squeeze on either side of the last rib and the short terms. I need to make enough pressure that air in the lungs constrained object to go out.
If the cause suffocation can not find or remove the need to seek professional help.